KOB Steve Stucker

Steve Stucker

Sometimes as our residents are learning about themselves, they will discover a particular interest in a subject or field.

When possible, we try to help them explore their new-found passions. Recently one of our residents, Karmen, expressed interest in meteorology. Local weatherman and longtime friend of The Ranches, Steve Stucker from KOB, welcomed Karmen and a couple of staff members to tour the television station and watch him record the morning weather.

Steve is known for his silly hats and costumes, and did not disappoint that morning while delivering the weather report while dressed as a crossing guard. After his early work was complete, Steve arranged for Karmen to practice working in front of the green screen while trying to manage her movements on the monitors. Karmen struggled at first, but quickly learned how to coordinate with the weather information on the monitors, and showed real promise at becoming an on-air talent. The entire studio staff, from anchors to sound techs, were warm and inviting. They encouraged Karmen to pursue her dreams and return soon for another visit. We are so fortunate to have relationships and resources to provide our residents with unique opportunities to grow and learn about themselves. Thank you for the support you provide that enables our residents to follow their dreams and build a better life.