Dear friends,

The Ranches hasn’t changed much in the last 40 years or so. While we built Girls Ranch and Hart Youth Ranch in the 80s, both of those programs became too expensive to continue to operate and too far away to manage. As a result, we closed both and sold the properties in an effort to focus on our original location.

That location, in Veguita, NM, hasn’t changed much since 1984 when we built the last of our 4 cottages. While I have asked you for money in the past to spruce those cottages up and upgrade them, those endeavors weren’t all that popular with you, our donors. I am hopeful that this appeal will resonate with you more than those previous appeals did.

To be honest, we have learned a whole lot about the best layout and design for a cottage since 1984. We’ve learned that 2 dishwashers are better than 1 for meals that are meant for 15 – 20 people and a single bedroom for relief staff is less ideal than a suite with a desk and storage for meds, allowance money, computers and video monitoring systems. We know a thing or two nowadays, because we’ve seen a thing or two over the past 40 years.

We were recently notified of a generous donor couple’s intent to donate, upon their death, a significant amount of money. We were also notified more recently that this generous donor couple has passed away. The executor of their estate has been in contact and their only stipulation is that we spend some of that large donation to build a 5th cottage at Boys and Girls Ranch.

As a result, they have pledged over $500,000 to match donations for a brand spanking new cottage. If I am being perfectly honest with you, I haven’t been this excited in quite some time. The opportunity to increase our capacity from 38 kid to 46 is truly exciting and encouraging to me. More children mean more opportunities to Rekindle Hope in At Risk Youth.

This is where you come in. Your donations will go directly to helping us to build this $1 million to $1.2 million cottage to house and care for 8 additional children. Thanks to the generosity of our donor couple, your donation and impact will be doubled.

I genuinely hope that you will support this significant – and a little bit scary – endeavor. I am sincerely asking for your support, and I want to assure you that your donation will go towards the most exciting project of my career at The Ranches. Big dreams have become big goals and big goals have become a big ask from me to you. Please help us by supporting making this big dream into a beautiful reality.


Heath Kull – President

Your Support Will Make All The Difference!

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Not sure where your donations are best served? Please reach out to us and we’ll guide you to the area most in need.

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